My Cover

My Cover

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Before this post, I made a post like a day ago, about my addiction of Internet, you can check that out, in the end it will tell about my online best friend, but this one is different.

This online best friend is very special, how can I lose her, i mean HOWWWWWWW??????!!!!!!!
First let me tell you how we met...

Ok so you guys may or may not know this game called Woozworld.
It's like a game for tweens (If you don't know what that means it like, the age before being a teen 10-12) and you can talk to random people (No it's not like Omegle, you don't show your face and talk with your voice xD) You know like most virtual worlds :) Ourworld, Weeworld, MovieStarPlanet etc.

So I was in a Twin Game on Woozworld, and a girl came next to me and asked "Can you be my twin?" and yeah I said sure and stuff and I had to go and I added her and we started hanging out and we were becoming closer and we became, well best friends.
She quit the game for awhile, I did too, it was the BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER. I came back on Woozworld and made a new account, and I remembered "Oh my best friend, I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT HER". It was the biggest mistake every quitting Woozworld and making a new account!! I thought I would never see her again!! I searched up her Woozworld name and her status said "Quitting Woozworld" I was shocked! Even though I messaged her about my new account and stuff, she may or may not come back on Woozworld and read the message.
Few months later and I woke up and saw a message... Guess who replied???? *drum roll* MY BEST FRIEND!! OMG OMG OMG. Ok enough of that now xD. Ok so she added me on my new account and I accepted her request and she was online!! Omg I was so happy I jumped and... AHGGGHHH :).
We came online every day and hangout and stuff.

Then I checked out my Facebook, there was a random friend request, I accepted her friend request, I did not know who she was but then I posted on my Woozworld status to add my Facebook account, my best friend saw it and she was the girl who added me on Facebook!! It was soooo random and I do not know but I promise I did not tell her to add me on Facebook before these things happened and stuff but I was shocked Lol..

Anyway if you are reading this best friend, I hope we will always be best friends. 3 Words, I love you
My sweet pea Amy ♥

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